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Twin pregnancy development

Twin pregnancy development

If you are expecting twins and do not know what to expect, you are not alone. Many pregnant twin women do not know what to expect, but that does not mean - and you - will not learn. So here are some details to help you understand what happens when you are expecting twins.
Being pregnant with twins is a double blessing, but it can also carry greater risks than a singleton pregnancy.
Be prepared.

 1:  your Age:

We all hear that as we get older, it is harder to get pregnant, but old age can increase the chances of a twin pregnancy. If you are in your 25s or early 30s and ovulatory circuits no longer work. If you are not regular and ovulate, you can harvest two follicles at the same time.

2: you may need extra folic acid:

Pregnant twin women may need additional folic acid to help stop fertility errors. We recommend 1 milligram of folic acid per day for twins and 0.4 milligrams for one pregnancy. Folic acid is known to reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.

3: Women pregnant with twin clocks in overtime at the obstetrician:

A second pregnancy requires more vigilance than one pregnancy. We tend to do regular growth solasulars in pregnant women, compared with a single anatomy scan and a single pregnancy test.
But it comes with more testing. For example, the chance of miscarriage after amniocentesis is higher in pregnant girls. She is breastfeeding the mother twice, so if the risk of miscarriage is one of 1,000 pregnancies in singleton, it could increase it to one in 500 twins.

 4: Morning sickness and nausea:

 A higher level of Hcg causes nausea and morning sickness. We also know that this dose is very high in twin pregnancies, so women with twins have high nausea and vomiting in the first trimester. Mothers who are pregnant with twins complain of lower back pain, difficulty sleeping, and heart disease than mothers with one baby. Mothers who are pregnant with twins also have a higher rate of maternal anemia and a higher rate of postnatal hemorrhage (bleeding).

5: Breathing lesions:

 In the first trimester, you may have diarrhea, and miscarriages are more common in twins. A little staring at the absence of cramps is reassuring, but when you are overcrowded, passing, and severe bleeding, that is a sign that something is going on and you should seek medical help.

 6: Babies kicking anywhere with twin pregnancies:

The baby's movements are most evident from 18 to 20 weeks in twin pregnancy, as well as in one pregnancy. When a woman begins to experience fetal movement it is likely that she has previously been pregnant. If you have been pregnant before, you know what fetal movements are, but if you are pregnant for the first time, you cannot separate the movement and function of the uterus.

 7: Weight gain:

In twins, mothers gain more weight as there are two babies, two placentas and amniotic fluid 'You need more calories to conceive twins.
However, there is no well-established formula for gaining weight during a twin pregnancy, Weight at 25 pounds for a singleton pregnancy and 30- 35 pounds for twins. We do not want pregnant twins to gain more than 40 pounds or less than 15 pounds.
The Institute of Medicine guidelines for weight loss in pregnant women are:
• Normal weight gain should be 37-54 pounds in women.
• Women with disabilities should aim to gain 31-50 pounds
• Women with disabilities should aim to gain 25-42 pounds
How much weight should you gain? The IOM recommends that you talk to your health care provider about this, because every pregnancy is different.

8: The risk of diabetes:

The risk of pregnancy with diabetes is high in twins. high risk of pregnancy diabetes for young children and requiring delivery of C-section,
Although gestational diabetes is more common, the accompanying physical activity is more common since the twins are not large children.
However, mothers who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy can develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

9: The risk of pre-eclampsia:  

People don't really know what causes preeclampsia, but We know it happens more often in pregnant girls. Preeclampsia is marked by high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and sometimes swelling in the feet, legs, and hands. He is a precursor to the most important, and deadly eclampsia.

 10: Labor:

Most pregnant women work from 36 to 37 weeks, compared with 40 concurrent pregnancies, says Al-Khan, and some may leave early. Usually, when twins are born after 34 weeks, there should be no major complications, but the unborn baby is stillborn. Twins are at high risk for neonatal and neonatal services and have high respiratory problems. Because of premature births, twins can be born with low weight, and those babies tend to have more health problems than babies born at five pounds.
Unfortunately, there is no evidence that bed rest alone prevents preterm labor or delivery of twins and the use of agents to block labor has never been proven to work, early termination is challenging in many cases.

11: Cesarean phase delivery:

The probability of having a C-section is much higher in twin pregnancies, and there is a higher chance that the baby is in the cooler twins than in singletons. When a child is in a stormy state, C-level delivery is usually required.


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